Posted on: 3 February 2012

Wooden cabinet inlaid with ivory, made in Gujarat or Sindh, 1680-1750. Wooden stand inlaid with ivory, English, 1750s.

Wooden cabinet on stand. This two-door cabinet opens up to reveal 22 drawers inside. The front of the cabinet is decorated with Mughal style floral motifs. The drawers are decorated with figures. The stand is decorated with a geometric Chinese design.

In the late 17th century two-door cabinets replaced portable 'fall-front' cabinets as the type most usually produced in western India. This reflected a similar change in European cabinets, which increasingly became show pieces mounted on stands. Although the form of this cabinet is based on western models, its decoration derives from Mughal painting. The stand was made later in England and the decoration is of the Chinese style.

Source: V&A, London

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