Posted on: 28 August 2014

Digital Rare Book:
The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali
An interpretation by William Q. Judge
Published The Path, New York - 1890

This edition of Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms is not put forth as a new translation, nor as a literal rendering into English of the original.

In the year 1885 an! edition was printed at Bombay by Mr.Tookeram Tatya, a Fellow of the Theosophical Society, which has been since widely circulated among its members in all parts of the world. But it has been of use only to those who had enough acquaintance with the
Indian system of philosophy to enable them to grasp the real meaning of the Aphorisms notwithstanding the great and peculiar obstacles due to the numberless brackets and interpolated sentences with which not only are the Aphorisms crowded but the so-called explanatory notes as well. For the greater number of readers these difficulties have been an almost insurmountable barrier; and such is the consideration that has led to the preparation of this edition, which attempts to clear up a work that is thought to be of great value to earnest students.

It may be said by some captious critics that liberties have been taken with the text, and if this were emitted as a textual translation the charge would be true. Instead of this being a translation, it is offered as an interpretation, as the thought of Patanjali clothed in our language. No liberties have been taken with the system of the great Sage, but the endeavor has been faithfully to interpret it to western minds unfamiliar with Hindu modes of expression, and equally unaccustomed to their philosophy and logic.

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Tirumalai Krishnamacharya with his students - 1930s

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Sri Krishnamacharya with his 3 sons- the 1st son became a sanyasi and left home, the second (with the naama) is Bhashyam who trained to be a musician and on the other side is TKV Deshikachar who has carried on his father's legacy (

Daddy's neighbours at Mysore- they played together :) he's very happy to see this pic.

Thank you Lathasshree KS! ...for this brilliant and almost endearing info.

thanks for sharing this! Downloading to read now!
