Posted on: 24 September 2010

Digital Book :
Oudh And The East India Company
By Purnendu Basu
Published by Maxwell Company, Lucknow - 1943

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The third Nawab, Shuja-ud-Daula fell out with the British after aiding Mir Qasim the fugitive Nawab of Bengal. He was comprehensively defeated in the Battle of Buxar by the British East India Company, after which he was forced to pay heavy penalties and cede parts of his territory. @The British appointed a resident in 1773, and over time gained control of more territory and authority in the state. They were disinclined to capture Awadh outright, because that would bring them face to face with the Marathas and the remnants of the Mughal Empire.

The fourth Nawab Asaf-Ud-Dowlah shifted his capital from Faizabad to Lucknow(Oudh) and laid the foundation of a great city. His rule saw the building of the Asafi Imambara and Roomi Darwaza, built by Raja Tikait Rai Nawab Wazir (Diwan) of Awadh, which till date are the biggest architectural marvels in the city.

Thank you. Impressive command of Lucknow history. Nisha must be a history major.