Posted on: 30 October 2010

Digital Rare Book :
Following the Equator - A journey around the world.
By Mark Twain
Published by American Publishing Co., Hartford - 1897

Mark Twain stayed at the Watson's Hotel, Bombay in 1896, where he wrote about Bombay's crows from his window in *Following the Equator*.

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Mark Twain Speaks for Himself By Mark Twain, Paul Fatout :'s+Hotel&source=bl&ots=ejEl1Wd6Ly&sig=pTbblBzceLtdwaPZMtHq15Xfl38&hl=en&ei=aUTMTLDXH4KavAPU4ZDbDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=9&ved=0CDwQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=Mark%20Twain%20watson's%20Hotel&f=false

Great. BUt get rudyard kipling on Indian Crows if you want an biased english view.The harsh fact is that most of what Kipling wrote on crow and the Indian are very true,atleast today

Twain is one of my heroes, I've never yet read something by him that didn't have nodding my head in agreement , or laughter, or more likely both. Sushil, look up Project Gutenberg (

Seeing India through Mark Twain's eyes...fascinating!

I'm unable to access the link to download the pdf. It throws an error. Please help RBSI.