Rare Paintings
 7 Feb 2010 Rare Paintings
The Company’s base at Calcutta was taken by the Nawab of Bengal in 1756. A year later a force under ROBERT CLIVE - known to history as 'Clive of India' - recaptured the city and, at the Battle of Plassey, replaced the Nawab with his own candidate.
A chain of events started in India that would ch... Read More
 7 Feb 2010 Rare Paintings
A Hindoo Fakeer by Emily Eden - 1844.
This lithograph was taken from plate 3 of Emily Eden's 'Portraits of the Princes and People of India'. Eden wrote: "A Fakeer is a religious devotee, whether of the Mahomedan or Hindoo persuasion; the person represented in the print is a Hindoo".
The seventh... Read More
 7 Feb 2010 Rare Paintings
By G. 0. Trevelyan
Published by Macmillan & Co.,London - 1866.
Extract : "In old times an officer appointed to Cawnpore thought himself fortunate if he could reach his station within three months from the day he left Fort William. But tow-ropes and punt-poles are now things of the pa... Read More
 27 Jan 2010 Rare Paintings
Poem composed by the Emperor BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR and addressed to the Governor General's Agent at Delhi Febuary 1843.
From 'Reminiscences of Imperial Delhi’, an album consisting of 89 folios containing approximately 130 paintings of views of the Mughal and pre-Mughal monuments of Delhi, as well a... Read More
 3 Dec 2009 Rare Paintings
A family album may not seem much of a prize, but when Nadir Shah plundered Delhi in 1739, it was not only the Peacock Throne that caught his eye. Lying in the Mughal royal treasury was a Morocco-bound volume of 300 pages that he considered valuable enough to cart away to Persia. And no wonder: it... Read More
 21 Nov 2009 Rare Paintings
WILLIAM HODGES was born in London on 28 October 1744. He was the only child of Ann and Charles Hodges, a blacksmith of St James's Market, London. His parents placed him at an early age in William Shipley's drawing school at Castle Court in the Strand. Hodges was subsequently apprenticed to the la... Read More
 11 Nov 2009 Rare Paintings
WILLIAM SIMPSON's first visit to India, lasted almost three years, from 1859 to 1862, and he sketched prolifically the architecture, archaeology, and daily life of the people, from the southern plains to Nepal and Tibet. Unfortunately, during his absence from Britain Day & Sons failed, and Simpso... Read More